First Lady Michelle Obama talks to INSIDE EDITION about the biggest speech of her life that she will deliver to kick off the Democratic National Convention.
It's the eve of the biggest speech of Michelle Obama's life and INSIDE EDITION's Deborah Norville caught up with the first lady in her private skybox overlooking the arena.
Norville asked, "What is it like to come back here? In 2004 you watched your husband on the national stage. In 2008 you made history. How do you top it in 2012?"
"We will top it. We've got a great message. We've got a president who has brought this economy from the brink of collapse. We're going to spend a lot of time talking about Barack's vision for this country and the values that really guide that vision," said Michelle.
Michelle Obama has been called the most popular campaigner of this political season. Tonight she'll really prove herself.
"Did you get a little misty eyed? Were there tissue moments as you were going over the script?" asked Norville.
"Oh gosh yes! The big key for me is to make it through this speech without crying, so absolutely," Michelle replied.
"But your husband won't be here," said Norville.
"He will be watching. I'd rather have him to be home with the girls," said Michelle.
Traditionally, it's the role of the candidate's wife to humanize her husband—something Ann Romney so skillfully did at last week's Republican convention.
Norville asked, "Is there anything you admire about her?"
"It seems like she's a wonderful mother and she obviously cares about the country like we all do, and she loves her husband and those are the qualities we all want in our neighbors and friends," said Michelle.
There's one question on everyone's mind.
"Everybody is going to be looking at what the first lady will be wearing. Did you know there's a website that chronicles what you wear everyday," said Norville.
"I know. Shoes, buttons, earrings, you name it," said Michelle.
"Does it add to the pressure of what you're going to pick to wear?" asked Norville.
"No, not really, because in the end, you have to wear what you feel good in, especially when you're giving a big speech. The last thing I want to worry about is what I'm wearing. So I'm going to pick something that makes me feel good," said Michelle.
Norville asked, "Have you picked it yet?"
"Not yet. I've got options. Obviously, I didn't bring the whole closet. I've got a few things. I'm going to put stuff on and see how I feel. That's how I tend do things," said Michelle.
Norville said, "Like every other woman does."
Michelle confirmed, "Like every other woman does."
Ann Romney chose an elegant red dress for her big night. Some speculated she was taking a swipe at Mrs. Obama, because the dress was designed by Oscar de la Renta, who has criticized the first lady for supposedly wearing too many European designers.
"Do you think people will look at whatever you decide to wear and say, 'Oh she's sending a message,' like they did with Mrs. Romney and the red dress?" asked Norville.
"I think they always will because that's part of the process. They do that with everything. People look for the message in everything I wear," replied Michelle.
And Norville just had to ask, what in the world did she think of Clint Eastwood's now famous speech where he pretended to interview the president?
"I have to ask about the chair. Clint Eastwood and the empty chair. What did you and your husband think of that?" asked Norville.
"You know, I have to say I didn't watch it because I wasn't watching any of the speeches. I was focusing on what I had to do this week. But from what I hear, it was memorable," said Michelle.
"What do you think the headline is going to be. It's tomorrow morning, the speech is behind you. "Michelle Obama….?" asked Norville.
"If only I knew. Hopefully, Michelle Obama told the country about her husbands values and she made him proud," said Michelle.
"She Made Him Proud." That will fit in a newspaper headline," said Norville.