President Obama wrapped up the Democratic National Convention after many memorable moments, including Gabby Giffords leading the Pledge of Allegiance. INSIDE EDITION reports from Charlotte.
In his speech that wrapped up the Democratic National Convention, President Obama said, "Malia and Sasha, you make me so proud. But don't get any ideas, you're still going to class tomorrow."
My, how they've grown. Malia was almost as tall as her dad when she stepped on stage at the Democratic National Convention, looking elegant in a purple H&M dress that sells for $59.95. Her cutie-pie younger sister Sasha wore a $138 belted dress from Anthropologie.
The first daughters looked like little kids just four years ago when they were introduced to the nation in 2008. Malia's now 14 and starting her freshman year of high school, and Sasha, is 11 and entering the 6th grade.
Mom Michelle wore a gorgeous eggplant printed dress by little-known American designer Laura Smalls, who lives in Harlem. The dress was custom-made for the first lady.
Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, still recovering from the grievous wounds she suffered during an assassination attempt in 201, was shaky on her feet as she walked onstage with the help of her close friend, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
The crowd cheered and many were overcome with emotion. They went silent as Giffords proudly recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
INSIDE EDITION caught up with her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly who said, "She was great. Very enthusiastic, the crowd was enthusiastic. A lot of energy."
Today, the presidential campaign begins in earnest. As Obama spoke in New Hampshire, he was facing some troubling unemployment numbers. The nation's latest job report shows unemployment dipping to 8.1% from the previous month's 8.3%, but that's considered disappointing.
Fox News reported, "They gained 96,000 jobs and the umemployment rate went down. The only reason it did is because four times as many people became so discouraged they dropped out of the workforce altogether."
Mitt Romney was campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire today.
Meanwhile, legendary newsman Tom Brokaw was back covering the convention for NBC after mistakenly taking a sleeping pill and being rushed to the hospital.
And Clint Eastwood is breaking his silence for the first time since his now-famous interview with an empty chair at the Repulican National Convention.
He gave his first post-convention interview to his hometown paper, the tiny Carmel Pine Cone.
"I may have irritated a lot of lefties," Eastwood told the newspaper. "But President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."
But the crowd at the DNC couldn't disagree more.