Father of Replacement Ref Speaks Out

As the NFL reaches an agreement with the official referee's, the father of the replacement ref who made the controversial call everyone is still talking about speaks to INSIDE EDITION.

There’s jubilation across the nation that the replacement referees who blew a crucial call are history and the regular refs are back.

In Green Bay, which lost the game on that jaw-dropping blunder, one headline was simply, "Yes!"

Fans no longer have to put up with replacement refs, some of whom weren't considered good enough for the Lingerie Football League.  

INSIDE EDITION caught up with the Los Angeles Temptations of the Lingerie League.  

"As football players and fans we are stoked to have the real refs back," said one player of the Temptations.

The deal was hammered out after two days of marathon negotiations at NFL headquarters in New York City, even as the replacement refs continued to be mocked on late night TV.

The ridicule has been particularly relentless on Lance Easley, the replacement ref who made that controversial touchdown call. He’s a Bank of America Vice President and has refereed a high school football game in Santa Maria, California.

Now, his father Roy, a crusty old-timer straight out of Clint Eastwoods new movie Trouble with the Curve, is coming to his son's defense.

INSIDE EDITION's Paul Boyd asked Roy, "You're outraged that the nation is focusing on this single call, is that right?"

"Absolutely. There's so many more important things in the world," said Roy.

Three generations of Easley’s have been referees, Roy for 40 years, his son Lance and now, his grandson.  

Contrary to most of us, the loyal dad insists that Lance made the correct call when he ruled that now-infamous play was a touchdown and he thinks his son has been unfairly targeted as the guy who made the worst call ever.

Jay Leno joked on The Tonight Show, “He's a replacement ref and works for Bank of America. You know what that means?  He screwed us twice!"

Boyd asked Roy, "How do you respond to Jay Leno taking a jab at your son like that?"

Roy replied, "He outta grab a whistle, go out on the field, blow that whistle, make a few calls, and then pop off. Then he might have a right to criticize, not just my son, but any official."

Roy said his son will go down in sports history as the guy who finally got the replacement refs off the field.

“He's going to be credited for stopping this lockout. Which is ironic,” said Roy.