He's only 12 years old, but he got his first kiss from none other than Carrie Underwood. INSIDE EDITION caught up with the young man who went lip-to-lip with the country star.
It's the moment you always remember—your first kiss. And, for 12-year-old Chase Kurnick, it's a smooch he'll surely never forget.
"My first kiss was Carrie Underwood," said Kurnick.
Not every kid can say his first kiss was with a superstar.
"I was shocked, very shocked. I was like, 'Is this really happening?' " said Kurnick.
It happened during Carrie Underwood's concert in Louisville, Kentucky. The 8th grader was determined to get Underwood's attention. So, he made a sign that said, "Carrie, be my first kiss."
"My dad, he wrote the letters, then I outlined it in Sharpie and colored it in," said Kurnick.
Sure enough, Underwood spotted the sign and invited Kurnick onstage. But he never expected what happened.
Underwood asked, "How are we going to do this?"
"Lip to lip," said Kurnick.
Kurnick said, "This is like a once in a lifetime chance. I'm not going to say, do it on the cheek. I'm going to go for it."
After the concert, Underwood tweeted: "Thanks, Chase, for the kiss. We had fun! #liptolip"
Kurnick and his father John even had shirts created with the hashtag "#liptolip."
Not everyone sees 29-year-old Carrie Underwood kissing a 12-year-old boy as so innocent.
The View's Joy Behar said, "I'm just saying if it was a male, I don't think you'd think it was so cute."
Kurnick's dad said, "It was an innocent moment that Carrie extended herself to a 12-year-old boy who really likes her. There's nothing disgusting about it and nothing inappropriate about it."
And now that he's notched Carrie Underwood as his first kiss, Kurnick says he already has his sights set on his second.
"Hopefully, Selena Gomez," said Kurnick.