
A-Rod Caught Flirting With Female Fans While Benched

New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez may have been benched from the baseball field, but he’s still playing on the dating field. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.

Slugger Alex Rodriguez is playing so badly, he's been benched.

But that didn't stop the New York Yankee superstar from trying to score in a whole other way—in the middle of a crucial playoff game.

The New York Post reports that right after A-Rod was pulled from Saturday's game against Detroit in the ninth inning, he turned his attention to a dazzling duo sitting behind the dugout.

Believe it or not, he had a ballboy deliver a baseball to the girls, inscribed with a message asking for their numbers.

According to a witness, the girl with darker blonde hair wrote on the ball and threw it back to a smiling A-Rod.

Nobody is more enraged by A-Rod's antics than Donald Trump, a die-hard Yankee fan.

"He gets so much money and he's so dissapointing as a Yankee," Trump told INSIDE EDITION's Lisa Guerrero.

 "He was flirting with some girls up in the stands during the game, was that appropriate?" Guerrero asked.

"Well, I think under the circumstances it was terrible because the Yankees are doing poorly, they're losing and he's doing worse than anybody. This is not the right time to go around picking up girls during a game," said Trump.

A-Rod's love life reads like a Hollywood all-star lineup. He's dated Kate Hudson, Madonna and Cameron Diaz, who famously fed him popcorn at the 2011 Super Bowl.

He is currently dating a former pro wrestler, Torrie Wilson.

But now, between his failures on the field and his flirting off the field, Alex Rodriguez is not exactly the pride of the Yankees.

"I've just never been a fan of A-Rod," said Trump.