
How Will Hurricane Sandy Impact The Election?

The devastation of Hurricane Sandy just six days before the election leaves many wondering what inpact will this have on the election. INSIDE EDITION reports.

With just six days left, could Hurricane Sandy alter the outcome of the presidential election?

Rick Klein, Senior Washington Editor for ABC News said, "Sandy is already having a major impact. First of all, it forced the candidates off the campaign trail."

On Wednesday, the president toured the Jersey Shore with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a big-time Mitt Romney supporter.
At a press conference, Christie said, "I don't give a damn about the election. It doesn't mean a lick to me at the moment. I got much bigger fish to fry than that."

On Morning Joe on MSNBC, Christie heaped praise on the president, saying, "The president has been great. I spoke to him three times yesterday. He called me for the last time at midnight last night. He asked me what I needed. I said, 'If you could expedite the major disaster declaration without all the normal FEMA mumbo jumbo,' and he got right on it."

And that's from the man who gave the keynote speech at the Republican Convention, where he said, "Our leaders today have decided it's more important to be popular, to say 'Yes' and do what is easy, when it's more important to say 'No,' when 'No' is what is required."

But he's singing a different tune today.

Some political analysts say Hurricane Sandy is boosting Obama's chances of re-election.

Klein said, "The most important thing the president can do right now is to act the job of president. To do his day job. He is doing exactly that. He cancelled his campaign plans. Mitt Romney has to be careful about looking like he's playing politics around a natural disaster. That's why he scaled back significantly his campaign events."

On Jimmy Fallon's late nite show last night, Donald Trump resumed his pledge to give $5 million to charity if Obama released his college transcripts.

Fallon suggested the money could be better spent elsewhere, saying, "New Jersey could use it."