Heather Locklear's Arrested for Hit and Run Accident

Heather Locklear has another brush with the law after being cited for a hit-and-run. If it's true, this may violate her probation. INSIDE EDITION has the latest.  

Troubled actress Heather Locklear, arrested for hit and run. Locklear reportedly slammed her BMW into a No Parking sign near her home outside Los Angeles at 4 a.m. Saturday.

She was last seen in public as a proud mom, sitting in the front row as her 12-year-old daughter Ava made her modeling debut last month.

This is just the latest run-in with the law for Locklear. In 2008, she was arrested for driving under the influence of prescription drugs. She pled no contest and was placed on three years probation.

Locklear's hit and run is a misdemeanor offense, so she wasn't taken into custody. But it could be considered a violation of her probation.

Locklear's lawyer said in a statement, "It is not clear yet who was driving."