
Mom Turns In Son To Prevent A Massacre

A mother is being hailed a hero after she discovered her own son was plotting a massacre in their community and turned him in to authorities. INSIDE EDITION has the details.

Tricia Lammers is a mom who just made the most agonizing decision of her life -- she turned her own son in to police to prevent a possible massacre.

Now, he's behind bars this Thanksgiving, but she may have saved dozens of lives.

Tricia said, “First and foremost, I am a mother and I love my son very, very much. He's not a criminal, he's an individual that suffers from an illness and he needs help.”

Tricia discovered that her 20-year-old son, Blaec, had bought a pair of assault rifles and 400 rounds of ammo.

She told police that he planned to massacre moviegoers at a screening of the hit movie, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part ll. If he had he carried out his plot, the whole nation would have been mourning this Thanksgiving. Now, the suspect is in custody and his mom is being hailed as a hero.

Tricia said, “I am not a hero. I love my community just as much as I love my son.”

The shooting spree could have been even worse than the massacre last July at the movie theater in Aurora, Colorado at a screening of the batman movie, The Dark Knight  Rises. James Holmes is accused of killing 12 and wounding 58 in that terrible event.

Blaec Lammers has a similar psychological profile.

Tricia said, “He is very quiet very, he is very much a loner, he does have a hard time making friends.”

He told police he had already bought a ticket to Breaking Dawn at this movie theater in his home town of Bolivar, Missouri. After the massacre, he said he planned to kill shoppers at the local Wal-Mart.  

He told police, "He would walk into the store and just start shooting people at random and keep on shooting until police arrived."  
Tricia Lammers, with her daughter, Kristen, at her side, says the family struggled to get her son the help he needed.

Tricia, “He felt that no one loved him. He felt like he was a faliure and we got him help as soon as we could."