
Dramatic 911 Call from Jovan Belcher's Mother

INSIDE EDITION has obtained the 911 call made by NFL linebacker Jovan Belcher's own mother, just before he killed his girlfriend, and himself.

It is the dramatic 911 call from the distraught mother of football player Jovan Belcher, just moments after he shot his girlfriend.

Mom: I don't know how many times he shot her. They were arguing...
911 Operator: Are you with the patient now?
Mom: Oh, yes. The baby is crying. Please get an ambulance here!
911 Operator: Ok. We're on the way.

Belcher’s mother can be heard pleading with mortally wounded Kasandra Perkins to fight for her life.

Mom: The ambulance is on the way. You hear me? Kasandra! Hey! Stay with me!
911 Operator: Ok. Listen ma'am. Is she awake?
Mom: She's barely. She's just barely.
911 Operator: She hear what you're saying?
Mom: Yes. She is moving when I talk to her.

The couple's three-month-old baby, Zoe, can be heard crying in the background as Belcher's mother pleads for help.

911 Operator: Is she bleeding?
Mom: Yes, she is.
911 Operator: Where is she bleeding from?
Mom: I can't tell. In the back it looks like.

Moments later, 25-year-old linebacker Jovan Belcher drove to the Kansas City Chiefs stadium and shot himself in front of his coach.

Belcher was reportedly jealous that his girlfriend had been out late attending a concert, but published reports say Belcher himself spent the night partying with a woman identified as Brittni Glass.  

Meanwhile, sports broadcaster, Bob Costas, who came under fire for calling for stricter gun control at Sunday night's football game, appeared on MSNBC Tuesday to defend himself.

“The ready, easy availability of guns makes mayhem easier. Could he have strangled her? Could he have stabbed her? Of course, he could have. But, the easy availability of guns makes this sort of thing just far more likely to occur,” Costas said.