
11-Year-Old Becomes Varsity Basketball Star

He's half the size of his teammates, but 11-year-old Julian Newman is tearing up the basketball court like you've never seen. INSIDE EDITION has the story.

Julian Newman is no ordinary basketball star. This pint-sized powerhouse is just 11 years old and he already plays on a varsity high school basketball team.

Julian is the starting point guard at Downy Christian School in Orlando, Florida. He's not even five feet tall, but his skills on the court tower over his opponents and teammates who are twice his size.    

Video of Julian has gone viral on YouTube. The 5th grader scored an astounding 91 points during one game. Julian's dad, Jamie is also the team's coach.

"There's nobody that I think that works harder than Julian," said Jamie.

But Julian isn't the only basketball phenomenon in his family. His little sister, Jayden also plays.

"I'm in third grade on varsity," said Jayden.

That's right—she's in elementary school and she also plays on the varsity basketball team. And yes, there's a bit of sibling rilvary. It's a little healthy competition that will keep both kids on their toes as they jump to great heights.