Some areas are running low on flu vaccine supplies as the flu epidemic hits the nation hard. INSIDE EDITION reports on the latest developments.
A flu shot was given on live TV as flu vaccine shortages are reported across the nation.
Kelly Ripa held hands with a nervous executive producer Michael Gelman as he got a flu shot on Live With Kelly and Michael on Friday.
Gelman is one of the lucky ones. When the Today show's Kathie Lee Gifford tried to get a flu shot she said, "They said they're out of flu shots? I said, 'Here's an idea...take down your sign," said Gifford.
CBS This Morning host Norah O'Donnell also had trouble.
"When I went to the pharmacy last night, they said there were only two doses left," said O'Donnell.
"Flu York City" says the New York Post headline.
Stacie Woodcock from Wallgreens told INSIDE EDITION, "The demand has definitely increased exponetially, and a lot of pharmacies and doctor's offices are running out."
So INSIDE EDITION's Les Trent took a hidden camera into several pharmacies in New York City to see if there were flu shots available.
A Duane Reade pharmacy said they only had nine flu shots left.
At one CVS drug store a sign said they were out of the vaccine. They told Trent they just got a last-minute shipment and they were giving flu shots right then, but if he didn't do it right away, they would probably run out.
CVS told INSIDE EDITION in a statement:
"Some of our locations may experience intermittent, temporary shortages of flu vaccine, but we still have vaccine in stock and we resupply our pharmacies and clinics as quickly as possible."
The flu sweeping the country is now being called an "unparalled epidemic" as 47 states report widespread illness.
An Ohio school district is now using electrostatic sprayers to hose down classrooms with disinfectant hoping it will prevent students from getting the flu.
We're hearing more from INSIDE EDITION viewers who have gotten sick in this flu epidemic.
Diane McInerney spoke via Skype to Kim Goodson of Reidsville, North Carolina, who was just diagnosed with the flu yesterday.
McInerney asked, "What are you taking to get yourself better?"
"Tamiflu and cough medicine," said Goodson.
Melanie Martin from Kansas is pregnant and got a flu shot. She came down with the flu anyway. McInerney asked what advice she has for people who have the flu already.
"Definitely stay home, take medication to get better, and stay away from pregnant women, and the children and the elderly," said Martin.