
Who Is The Biggest Public Liar?

Lance Armstrong joins a long list of public figures who have lied to the world for one reason or another. INSIDE EDITION looks at some of the more memorable liars.

With his stunning confession to Oprah, Lance Armstrong now faces the nation's scorn.

The New York Post changed the wording on Armstrong's famous "Live Strong" bracelet to "Lie Strong" and says: "Armstrong secured his place among history's most loathsome liars."

In our online poll, we asked viewers to vote for the biggest liar ever among these candidates:

Former presidential candidate John Edwards lied on ABC's Nightline, claiming he wasn't the father of mistress Rielle Hunter's baby.

Who can forget the bare-chested photo of former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner? First, he  denied tweeting it to a young woman. Then, came his confession.

President Bill Clinton told the nation a whopper of a lie about intern Monica Lewinsky, saying, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." Then came his confession.

And plenty of sports heroes before Lance Armstrong have been caught fibbing.  

Olympic gold medalist Marion Jones broke down in tears admitting she lied about taking performance-enhancing drugs. 

New York Yankees superstar Alex Rodriquez famously told Katie Couric on 60 Minutes he never used performance-enhancing drugs.

He later fessed up during a 2009 ESPN interview.

And Tiger Woods went on live TV to admit cheating on ex-wife Elin Nordegren with a bevy of mistresses.

"I have let you down and I have let down my fans," said Woods.

So who were the leading vote getters in our poll for biggest liar ever?

Bill Clinton is No. 3 with 12 percent.

John Edwards is No. 2 with 32 percent.  

And Lance Armstrong is No. 1 with 36 percent. He's your choice for biggest liar.