"Movie 43" Being Called Worst Movie Ever

What are a bunch of A-list stars doing in the new comedy that's being called "the worst movie ever"? INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.

What do you get when you mix a dreadfully un-funny movie with an amazing cast?

You get Movie 43, which is being roundly razzed as the worst movie of all time, despite a stellar cast that includes Halle Berry, Richard Gere, Naomi Watts, Hugh Jackman and Kate Winslet.

"Movie 43 is the Citizen Kane of awful," says the Chicago Sun-Times.

"A near masterpiece of tastelessness," cries the Washington Post.

The New York Post hates the movie so much, they dissed it on the front page.

"The worst movie I have ever seen. Minus four stars," wrote reviewer Lou Lumenick.

Lumenick told INSIDE EDITION, "Nothing works in this film. Nothing is funny. The acting is abysmal."
Movie 43 is a collection of  twelve sketches masterminded by director Peter Farrelly, best known for working with his brother, Bobby, to make hit movies like There's Something About Mary. Sophomoric humor worked in that film, but it apparently falls flatter than a pancake in Movie 43.

"They all look embarrassed to be in this movie," said Lumenick.

In one scene, a man says to Oscar®-winner Halle Berry, "See that blind kid over there? I dare you to blow out his [birthday] candles before he gets a chance to."

When funny isn't funny - it's a disaster!