Oprah is on a crusade: she is asking people across the country to sign a pledge promising not to text or talk on cell phones while driving to save lives. Oprah's No Phone Zone pledge is sweeping the nation. INSIDE EDITION reports.
Oprah pulled out all the stops as she held the first ever national No Phone Zone day. Oprah's new crusade is sweeping America. On April 30th, hundreds of thousands of Americans pledged to stop texting and making phone calls while driving.
It's being called a national epidemic: a stunning 78% of teenage drivers admit they text and drive.
Jerry Seinfeld, Tyler Perry, Mary J. Blige, and Elton John are among the famous names who have signed Oprah's No Phone Zone pledge.
There were no Phone Zone Day rallies in Detroit, Boston, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Washington, D.C., all linked live to an Oprah special.
Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos signed Oprah's pledge live on Good Morning America and the governor of Michigan signed a new law banning texting and driving live on Oprah.
And Oprah has produced a hard-hitting ad to support her life-saving campaign.
"How many more have to die? Go to oprah.com and take the pledge," Oprah says in her ad.