
Taylor Swift Fan Mail Found In Dumpster

Hundreds of pieces of fan mail to Taylor Swift, adorned with glitter and stickers were found unopened in a dumpster. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.

They're hundreds of letters from young people around the world, painstakingly decorated with heart stickers, hand-drawn rainbows, and sparkles—all addressed to superstar Taylor Swift.

So, how did they end up in, of all places, a dumpster?

Check out this headline, "Taylor Swift Will Never Ever Ever Read Your Fan Mail."

The controversy erupted when Kylee Francescan went to a dumpster in Nashville to recycle her newspapers. That's when she came upon the fan mail tossed out like garbage.

Kylee Francescan told us "My goal was to make sure that Taylor was aware that these were not handled properly."

Some letters were still sealed. Others opened. One adorable letter from Japan, punctuated with hearts.

"Dear Taylor. I love you so much. You're the best and you're very beautiful and cute. I'm really enjoying your songs,"

All the letters were addressed to "Taylor Swift Entertainment" at a post office box. Taylor's representatives come by periodically to pick up the mail.

Now, Taylor is trying to explain how letters from her adoring fans ended up in the garbage.

"Taylor gets thousands of fan letters everyday and they are delivered to her management office," said Taylor's publicist in a statement. "After the letters are opened and read, they are recycled."

Somehow, the publicst said, the unopened letters found in the dumpster must have been "accidentally put with letters headed for the recycling center."

One Nashville resident said, "I'm surprised that anyone would actually recycle, or throw them away. Even accidentally. I think they'd be pretty important and special."

Taylor, who debuted her new single "22" on GMA Wednesday, sent a messenger to pick up the letters. So, who knows? Maybe she'll read them now.