
Sarah Palin's Naughty Gun Joke About Her Husband Causes Controversy

Sarah Palin stepped back into the spotlight at the CPAC convention and raised some eyebrows with her one-liners. INSIDE EDITION reports.

She's back and this time around, Sarah Palin is going kind of bawdy.

Her naughty joke about her husband, Todd, had them rolling in the aisles when she spoke at the big gathering of conservatives in Washington.

The gag came as she spoke about exchanging Christmas gifts with Todd.

Palin said, "You should have seen what Todd got me for Christmas. It's a metal rack, a case, for hunting rifles to put on the back of a four-wheeler. Then I had to get something for him, to put in the gun case, right? So this go around, he got the rifle, I got the rack."

As she let the gag sink in, Palin sipped from a super Big Gulp of soda and that triggered another joke.

She used the soda to mock New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg, who just suffered a legal defeat in his campaign to ban giant-size soft drinks.

Palin said, "Oh, Bloomberg’s not around, our Big Gulp's safe, we're cool."

Bloomberg declined to comment when INSIDE EDITION asked him about Palin's jibe Monday.

Bloomberg replied, "I don't have any response."

Palin's return to the national spotlight was sprinkled with zingers and one-liners and a cool new look. She looked slim and energetic as she strode on stage wearing a multi-zipper top, hip-hugging flared jeans and platform shoes. On one wrist, she wore a giant stars-and-stripes bracelet.

With that naughty joke about the gun rack, she's putting the blue in red, white and blue.