
Justin Bieber Travels With Pet Monkey

Animal experts say monkey's can make terrible pets, but that didn't stop Justin Bieber from traveling with his new best friend, a Capuchin monkey. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.

Is this a sign Justin Bieber has officially gone bananas? He's got a new pet, and it's a pet monkey.

Bieber takes the Capuchin monkey, named Mally, everywhere he goes. But when the pop sensation landed in Germany, customs officials confisicated the primate because Bieber didn't have proper documents.

Following a quarantine, German customs returned the monkey to Bieber, who promptly took an Instagram photo of Mally taking a nap with a stuffed animal.

Bieber seems to love monkeys. A video of him on YouTube shows him with one saying, "I love monkeys."

But as cute as Capuchin monkeys can be, experts say they can make terrible pets.

Monkeys living outside Peoria, Illinois were hard to control while INSIDE EDITION was there. One little monkey even grabbed a steak knife.

And a monkey in Detroit took a bite out of it's owner's finger while INSIDE EDITION was taping a story.

Amanda Lussier, who works at a sanctuary for unwanted monkeys in Southern California, told INSIDE EDITION, "They will not only injure their owners, but they'll also destroy homes."

Fair warning for Justin Bieber.