
Ridiculously Photogenic Jiu Jitsu Guy Takes Internet By Storm

INSIDE EDITION caught up with the latest person being dubbed "ridiculously photogenic" over a candid photo that looks pretty darn good.

He's the ridiculously photogenic Jiu Jitsu guy.

A photo of Jiu Jitsu master Clark Gracie looking great, even while being flipped by his opponent, is the latest ridiculously photogenic photo to go viral.

It's a new internet trend—spontaneous photos of people who just happen to be ridiculously photogenic. Runner Zeddie Little was the original, then came a woman named Rachael, who looked picture perfect right after surgery.

Now, there's Gracie.

INSIDE EDITION tracked down the hunky 28-year-old at his Jiu Jitsu academy in San Diego.

So, what was really happening in the picture snapped a year ago at a tournament?

Gracie said, "I believe at the time I was looking to the side and my coach was telling me how much time was left."

Now, he's recognized everywhere. It's just part of the job for the most ridiculously photogenic Jiu
Jitsu guy.