
Amanda Bynes Says She Has Eating Disorder

Amanda Bynes' odd behavior continues, as she tweets that she has an eating disorder, and gets piercings in her cheeks. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.

Troubled actress Amanda Bynes says she's not mentally ill.

"I have an eating disorder," she just tweeted.

The former Disney star and Easy A actress sent the tweets after photographers caught her wandering around Times Square looking like a homeless person on her 27th birthday with a hood pulled over her head and wearing flip flops.

"I moved to New York City and I love it," she tweeted: "I lost 4lbs since I moved. I'm 121lbs. My goal is 100lbs."

She writes that she has a "hard time staying thin."

She recently tweeted a photo showing off piercings in her cheeks. No wonder her friends are  reportedly concerned.