
Americans Pay Tribute to Boston Marathon Victims

Across the country people are joining together to pay tribute to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings. INSIDE EDITION reports.

The New York Yankees set aside their intense rivalry with the Boston Red Sox by playing "Sweet Caroline" in a tribute to the victims of the Boston Marathon massacre. The Neil Diamond song is played at every Red Sox game at Fenway Park.

Diamond tweeted, "Thank you NY Yankees for playing 'Sweet Caroline' for the people of Boston. You scored a home run in my heart. With respect, Neil."

Flags were flying at half mast at Yankee Stadium, and a sign was hung, saying, "New York stands with Boston. Pray for Boston."

Jon Stewart was deeply moved by the tribute.

He said, "New Yorkers and Boston obviously have a little bit of a competition, but it is in situations like this that we realize that it is a sibling rivalry, and we are your brothers and sisters."

In Boston, emotions are raw. Thousands came out for a candlelight vigil in the chilly night air.

Memorials were being set up all over Boston on Wednesday.

There was a growing memorial just up the road from the finish line where the bomb exploded. There are American flags, flowers, and messages of hope and support. Someone even brought a marathon medal from a previous Boston Marathon in memory of those who lost their lives, and to honor those runners who could not finish the race.

The tragedy in Boston was on the cover of Time magazine, and it's unifying the country. On the West Coast, the Boston victims were honored with an impromptu marathon run. It started bright and early at the Santa Monica Pier. One runner carried the American flag.

Perhaps Jon Stewart summed up what the nation's feeling best.

"I'm just going to say this to Boston, thank you. Thank you for once again, in the face of gross inhumanity, inspiring and solidifying my belief in humanity," he said.