
Alabama Senator's Wife Warns Other Women to Stay Away

Heather McGill, wife of Alabama Senator Shadrack McGill is making it clear that her husband is off limits to other women who have been hitting on him. INSIDE EDITION has the story.

Heather McGill, wife of Alabama State Senator Shadrack McGill, lashed out on her husband's Facebook page this week to say she's sick and tired of other women hitting on her man.

“I have been silent for long enough!! NO MORE!” she writes.

"Multiple times since being in office he has gotten emails from women inviting him to explore, also sending pictures of themselves. Shame on you!"

Heather says ever since her husband took office in 2010, her husband has received all kinds of photos of scantily clad women soliciting him for sex on his Facebook page.

Heather is so fed up, she's ready to name names! She writes, "Next time everyone will know who you are!! For I will publicly share your name before we 'unfriend' you."

In an interview via skype, Heather said, "I had looked on my husband's Facebook yesterday and again there was another picture and another email."

Heather and her husband have been married for 14 years and have six children together. They've also raised many foster children. McGill, a conservative Republican, won his state senate seat by running on a family values platform.

Heather said, "I can protect my household, my husband and my children."