
Cronut Craze Takes Manhattan

The latest sensation to take the streets of New York City by storm is a cross between a croissant and a doughnut, called a cronut. INSIDE EDITION spoke to the chef behind this dessert.

A line starts before dawn and goes around the block and it's all for a new dessert called a cronut.

A cronut is a cross between a doughnut and a croissant that's glazed and filled with cream. People from all over the world want to try it. Customers from England, Minneapolis, and Maryland have all lined up to try one.

Kelly Ripa tried to explain the Cronut on Live Wednesday. She said, “The shop sells this thing that's like if a donut and a croissant had a baby.”

Watch our visit to the cronut frenzy.

Chef Dominique Ansel came up with the concept in his Manhattan bakery after a bit of trial and error.

Ansel told INSIDE EDITION, “I am not going to tell you what's in the dough.”

The recipe is top secret but Chef Ansel did say it’s a three days process to make a single batch.

Once the bakery opens at 8 a.m., the cronuts go fast. They only make 250 a day, so customers are limited to two cronuts each. A single cronut costs $5. When they're gone, they're gone.  

People have been buying cronuts, then turning around and scalping them outside the store for as much as $40 a piece. On Craigslist, people where reselling them for between $25 and $40 per cronut.

Beth from California had her first cronut and said it was “so good.” She and her girlfriends waited for hours but have no regrets.She said it was, “Worth the wait.”