
White Collar Brawl Fueled By Road Rage

A former district attorney and a former cop were caught-on-tape in a case of road rage. INSIDE EDITION has the eyewitness story.

A case of white collar road rage was caught-on-tape. Two guys in crisp white business shirts and ties duke it out on the streets of Los Angeles.

One of the men is a retired LAPD lieutenant, and the other guy is a former deputy district attorney.

In the video, if you watch closely, you can see the lawyer moving in on the retired cop driving the white BMW. The lawyer throws a punch straight to the cop's face. Then, they really go at it.

A couple of rush hour commuters get out of their cars to break up the fight. They can be heard saying, “Hey, knock it off!”

It happened on a busy street right next to LA's jam-packed 405 Freeway. Eyewitnesses say the brawl started when the two drivers got off the freeway and stopped at an intersection.

The lawyer reportedly yelled to the retired cop, "You could have killed me!"

Jessica Brewer was stopped right behind and filmed the fight on her cell phone. Brewer told INSIDE EDITION, "I was thinking, 'Wow, I can't believe this is happening in front of me!'"

She says there is no question that the attorney landed the first punch.
The former deputy DA, identified as Randalf Kincaid, was arrested on battery charges. He's not talking, but according to the State Bar of California, he's never had any public record of discipline in 26 years.
Now, it looks like the lawyer will have his own day in court.