
George Zimmerman's Best Friend Testifies

George Zimmerman's best friend took the stand Tuesday. INSIDE EDITION has all the details on his testimony. 

George Zimmerman didn't know his bullet hit Trayvon Martin when he open fired, says his best friend.

The prosecutor asked, "Zimmerman was telling you then that he shot at Trayvon Martin but he didn't know whether he struck him or not. He thought he shot a little wide, correct?" 

"He did say that," said Mark Osterman. He testified at the trial Tuesday that he advised Zimmerman to carry a gun for the neighborhood watch program.

The prosecutor asked, "It's better to be armed than not armed?" and Osterman replied, "The police aren't always there."

Osterman is a federal air marshal. He drove Zimmerman home from the police station when he was finally released that fateful night.

"On the drive from the Sanford police department to my home, he explained from start to finish what had happened that night."

At one point, Osterman showed how Trayvon Martin allegedly tried to block Zimmerman's nose and mouth. "Pinch like that and cover," he explained.

"So, in other words, Trayvon Martin is using one hand over his nose and then one hand over his mouth, correct?" asked the prosecutor.

"Something to that effect," Osterman agreed.

Osterman and his wife wrote a book about the case, Defending Our Friend: the Most Hated Man in America

He sweated profusely during his testimony.

The former lead detective in the investigation also returned to the stand Tuesday. A dramatic moment came as the prosecutor asked about the blows Trayvon allegedly rained down on Zimmerman.

"Would you have your hands like that, just like this, or would you be fighting me?" asked the prosecutor, holding his hands at his side.

"I'd be fighting you," said the detective.

The chief medical examiner testified about Zimmerman's injuries when he arrived at the police station that night. "It's consistent with his head coming into contact with that rough surface," she said.

The medical examiner was asked, "And are the injuries on the back of the defendent's head consistent with one strike against a concrete surface?"

She agreed, "Yes."

There was an awkward moment in court on Tuesday when lead defense attorney Mark O’Meara tripped on some cables.

"At least I didn't do a complete pirouette," he said.