
Running of the Bulls Gets Bloody

The running of the bulls in Spain is getting more gruesome by the day. INSIDE EDITION takes a look at the graphic scenes that unfolded on the streets of Pamplona.

It's the bloodiest day yet at the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain.

A bull named "Langostero", weighing half a ton, gores a 31-year-old man, attacking him again, and again.

Watch footage from the running of the bulls.

Two other runners try to yank the bull away by the tail, but the beast is in a rage. It lasts a horrifying 30 seconds until bystanders finally pull the young man to safety.

He’s in serious condition in the hospital today.

The annual running of the bulls is now in it's 7th day, and its been a bloody week. A 20-year-old American suffered a ruptured spleen during an attack.  

As the bulls made their way into the ring, a young woman running in a sports bra was gored in the backside.

Matt Lauer summed it up best when he asked, “Remind me again, why they do this?"