Just five months after the tragic death of actress Brittany Murphy, her husband, Simon Monjack is found dead in the same house where Murphy died. INSIDE EDITION has the latest.
In a shocking turn of events, actress Brittany Murphy's husband Simon Monjack has been found dead.
The 39-year-old director died of an apparent heart attack at the very home where Brittany died in December.
Brittany's mother Sharon found Monjack unconscious. You'll recall it was Sharon who called 911 when she discovered her daughter's lifeless body in the bathroom.
Last month, Monjack took radaronline.com on a tour of where Brittany died. The coroner said she died of pneumonia and drug intoxication.
Assistant chief coroner Ed Winter said, "He was a despondent husband last time. The family is devastated over his passing. It appears to be a natural. There were some prescription drugs found that belonged to Mr. Monjack," said Winter.
There were reports Monjack had a mild heart attack just a week after Brittany's death. Sources tell INSIDE EDITION Monjack had recently told friends he needed to have a heart bypass operation but was postponing it until the fall.
At the time of his death, Monjack was putting together a photography book about ballet because it was something his late wife had loved.