
Daughters Of Dr. Martin MacNeill Testify Against Him

Daughters of accused murderer Dr. Martin MacNeill testified in court that they believe their father killed their mother. INSIDE EDITION has the report.

The daughters of accused Dr. Martin MacNeill took the stand at his murder trial and what they had to say was devastating.

Daughter Alexis Somers said, "The day my mom died I was concerned that my father killed her. And I’ve been fighting to get justice for this case ever since then."
Doctor Martin MacNeill is accused of drowning his wife, Michelle, after doping her up on pain medication as she recuperated from a facelift she had at his insistence.

Somers now has custody of her 12-year-old adopted sister, Ada, who discovered their mom dying in the bathtub of their home near Salt Lake City.

She said, "I know she is aware that I think my dad killed my mom." But Somers denied that she's coached little Ada into thinking their dad is guilty.

Somers said, "She's a little, a little girl. She shouldn't have to see all these things that have happened as well. I’m trying to protect her from that."

Nancy Grace told INSIDE EDITION, "The testimony of then six-year-old Ada, now 12, is critical to the prosecution and this is why: according to the state, the prosecution, Dr. Martin MacNeill used his six-year-old daughter to bolster his theory of innocence."

The doctor's other daughter, Rachel, also testified. She was in tears within moments of taking the stand. Rachel said her father showed her how Michelle was laying in the bathtub.

She said, "My dad was adamant that he describe what happened. He specifically said to to me that he was concerned that there would be a police investigation. That he didn't want anyone to think that he murdered my mother."

Rachel recoiled as she was shown some clothes from her mother that she found in the garage after her mother's death.

Grace said, "Rachel discovered in the garage, hidden, wet bloody towels, mommy's blue wet jogging suit and her wet and bloody bra."

Alexis, Rachel, and other family members held photos of the dead woman. They are convinced their dad is guilty.

He denies any wrong doing, and has pled not guilty.