Chris Brown was arrested for allegedly punching a man and breaking his nose outside a Washington D.C. nightclub. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
Chris Brown is in real trouble—again.
The 24-year-old singer was arrested after allegedly punching a guy in the nose in Washington D.C. He spent the night behind bars. Brown's mother, Joyce Hawkins was seen at D.C. Superior Court on Monday to be by her son's side.
Cops say the fight broke out Sunday at 4:25 a.m. outside the upscale W Hotel near the White House. Brown had just come from hosting a party at a D.C. nightlcub.
According to the D.C. police report obtained by INSIDE EDITION, Brown was posing with two female fans when a 20-year-old man indentified as Isaac Adams Parker tried to get in the picture. Brown allegedly used a homophobic slur saying, "I'm not down for that gay (blank.) I feel like boxing."
The report also says Brown suddenly "punched (the victim) in the facial area with a closed fist." The victim's nose was broken.
Hot-headed Brown claims he was trying to stop Parker from getting on his tour bus.
Brown remains on probation for beating then-girlfriend Rihanna four years ago, the night before the Grammys.
He has a history of losing his temper. Who could forget Brown's violent outburst after an appearance on Good Morning America when an enraged Brown threw a metal chair and smashed a second-floor window.
Jenny McCarthy said on The View, "I think he should now go to jail."