
Coach Fired For Taking 12-Year-Old Boys To Hooters

Coach Randy Burbach is out of job after taking his winning middle school football team to Hooters for their victory celebration. INSIDE EDITION speaks to the coach about the controversy.

It's a football celebration like you've never seen before. A limo drops off a champion football team as  hot Hooters girls cheer on. Then, 12-year-old boys—yes, 12-year-olds—pile out of the limo and into the sports bar. 

Now, the coach is under fire for throwing a kids party at the restaurant.

When Corbit Middle School in Portland, Oregon won every game in their division, the 7th and 8th grade boys asked coach Randy Burbach if they could have their victory bash at Hooters. The coach thought it was a great call.

Burbach told INSIDE EDITION, "It's a family sports bar. Footballl oriented, this is what we wanted. Something more than the run-of-the-mill pizza thing."

The athletic director wanted a different venue and warned, "some might say that this restaurant objectifies women....I think it sends the wrong message to our young men and that saddens and worries me..."

Even one mom was initially stunned by the party location. She told INSIDE EDITION, "I was shocked at first. And then after talking with the coach, talking with my husband and talking with my son, we support the coach."

But the school didn't approve and abruptly fired the coach who still stands by his decision to take the kids to Hooters.

Burbach said, "Had I acquiesced, I would have been accepting their premise that the restaurant is inappropriate, the waitresses are inappropriate and my decision making is wrong. I didn't believe that."

As a parting gift, Hooters gave out T-shirts which read: FFCA, for Fired Football Coaches Association, because this coach's bash at Hooters turned into his retirement party.