
George W. Bush Reveals New Relaxed Lifestyle to Jay Leno

George Bush talks to Jay Leno on late night about painting, one of his favorite hobbies. INSIDE EDITION has more.

Jay Leno opened The Tonight Show by welcoming a very interesting figure in our nation's history, the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush.

To thunderous applause and a standing ovation, the former president made his first Tonight Show  appearance since leaving office almost five years ago!

"You seem more relaxed!" Jay Leno said to Bush.

A relaxed Bush replied, "No kiddin!"

Bush was eager to talk about his passionate new past-time—painting. Bush told Leno, "You may not think I'm a painter, but I think I'm a painter."

Bush showed Leno a picture of his dog, Barney, signed  "43."

Leno said, "I can't even see where you painted over the number!"

Bush replied to Leno, "I brought a painting for you."

But Leno didn't mock Bush's portrait of The Tonight Show itself, Jay Leno.

Leno commented, "I can't make fun of him now!"

Former First Lady Laura Bush joined her husband on the show and shared her fears about his heart scare when he was treated for a blocked artery last month.

Laura told Leno,  "It was scary. It was very scary."

Bush joked, "I wasn't scared."

"You had Obamacare?" Leno said to Mr. and Mrs. Bush.

That got the biggest laugh of the night, but Bush refused to criticize President Obama,  
whose approval rating is down to an all-time low of 37 percent, according to a CBS news poll.

Leno said "Obama's getting the late night jokes now!"

"Better him than me!" Bush laughed.