
Black Friday Shopper Who Was Pepper Sprayed Warns Of Shopping Dangers

A shopper who was trying to get in on the Black Friday deals is speaking out about being pepper sprayed by a panicked customer. INSIDE EDITION has her story.

It was a scene of Black Friday chaos no one will ever forget that culminated with a panicked shopper suddenly pepper-spraying the people around her!

Now, one of the people who was pepper sprayed is speaking out about a shopping horror she hopes will not happen again on this holiday weekend.

Carmen Johnson was shopping for an Xbox at a Walmart on Black Friday two years ago when all hell broke loose. In the midst of the chaos, a panicked woman suddenly pepper-sprayed those around her, hitting an estimated 20 people.

Johnson said, "I see women crying their eyes out, screaming and yelling. It was like a war zone! I just heard a mist going right across my face. My whole face was burning. It was barbaric."

That unforgettable scene took place here at a Walmart north of Los Angeles. Now, with Black Friday approaching, the people in charge are taking steps to make sure nothing like that ever happens again.

This year, Walmart will have employees in yellow vests to maintain the peace and order.

Sonya Hostetler, Walmart VP of Asset Protection and Safety said, "We'll be monitoring the closed circuit security system looking for problem areas."

Black Friday madness is widespread across America. Shoppers at an Atlanta Walmart battled over $2 towels and two Black Friday shoppers actually got into a fistfight in a shopping mall.

The woman who resorted to using pepper spray was never arrested or charged. She told police she acted in self-defense to protect her two children.

But the woman who felt the sting of that spray is still haunted by the madness of that wild shopping experience known as Black Friday. She said, "I'll never forget that day, ever."