
'I Love Lucy' Released In Color

CBS is giving viewers a special Christmas gift of the I Love Lucy Christmas episode that's been colorized, showing the classic show like you've never seen it before. INSIDE EDITION has the details.

An episode of the legendary TV comedy I Love Lucy is now available in color!

That's right, the classic I Love Lucy Christmas episode that originally aired in 1956 has been colorized for a special broadcast this Friday, December 20th at 8:00pm EST and Pacific time on CBS.

In the episode, as Lucy tries to sing, she says, "I don't know what's happened to my voice lately. I don't seem to sing well anymore."

"Lately?" asked Ricky.

"Anymore?" asked Ethel.

Ken Ross is the Executive Vice-President and General Manager of CBS Home Entertainment.

Watch More of Ross' Interview

Ross told INSIDE EDITION's Les Trent, "We wanted to bring younger audiences in, and we felt that color was a way to do that. "

I Love Lucy fits the very definition of TV immortality. More than half-a-century later. It's ranked No. 2 on TV Guide's list of all-time greatest TV shows, right behind Seinfeld. It airs in more than 70 countries, and has been translated into 22 languages.

With such enduring popularity, it's no wonder they went to the trouble to colorize Lucy, Ricky, Fred and Ethel, and of course, little Ricky.

They've also colorized the legendary episode in which Lucy stomps grapes to make wine and gets into a fight with her fellow stomper.

So, millions of I Love Lucy fans have a very Merry Christmas in store, in living color.