
How New Year's Eve Is Celebrated Around The Globe

As we say goodbye to 2013 and hello to 2014, INSIDE EDITION takes a look at how various parts of the world ring in the New Year.

All eyes will be on Times Square as we welcome in 2014. Freezing temperatures are expected, but that's not scaring Ryan Seacrest and Jenny McCarthy who are hosting this year's Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve.  

INSIDE EDITION’s Megan Alexander said, “How do you stay warm?”

McCarthy said, “Little heating pads, I tape all over my body.”

Seacrest said, “Really?”

McCarthy replied, “Yes, I tape them everywhere. Everywhere.”

While New York’s celebrations are just hours away, it's already 2014 in other parts of the world.

Australia rang in the New Year early Tuesday morning with a fireworks show over the Sydney Harbor Bridge. A giant gong rang in 2014 in Tokyo.

While New York is known for its world famous Times Square ball drop, other parts of the country celebrate New Year’s Eve in unique ways.

In Key West, Florida, some colorful characters dropped a giant high heel shoe. It's only fitting that Georgia would drop a giant peach.

But a warning to those who are planning on celebrating by drinking too much, a terrifying video shows drunken people falling off of escalators and even onto subway tracks.  

Tammy Chase, a spokesperson for the Chicago Transit Authority told INSIDE EDITION, "If you had a little too much for any reason, we always advise you, be careful, watch where you step."

So, this year, make sure to celebrate responsibly and have a very happy New Year.