
Last Photos of Missing Baby Gabriel

New photos of baby Gabriel have been found, taken with his mother Elizabeth Johnson's the day he was last seen alive. Johnson is still refusing to tell authorities where the baby is. INSIDE EDITION reports.

They're disturbing photos of missing baby Gabriel, taken the last time he was seen alive.   

Police found them on the camera of his mother, Elizabeth Johnson, when she was arrested on kidnapping charges.

She refuses to say where the baby is.

In one photo, Gabriel lies on a hotel room bed, with family pictures displayed on a nightstand behind him.  

In another photo he appears groggy as he drinks from a bottle.

But a third photo is much more troubling. Gabriel's eyes are barely open, and he's holding what looks like a medicine bottle in his hand.

Dr. Laura Popper, a pediatrician, told INSIDE EDITION she believes it is a bottle of Infants' Tylenol.

The photos were taken in room 301 of the HomeGate Studios and Suites in San Antonio where Johnson was staying during a bizarre cross-country trip she took with Gabriel.  

The day after these photos were taken, Johnson says she gave Gabriel away to complete strangers in a remote San Antonio park.  

The baby's father, Logan McQuery, pleaded with Johnson to tell the world where Gabriel is at a news conference on January 18th. "I think about it every single day, whether he's dead or alive. I just want to believe that he is alive. I just want her to tell the truth," he said.

The baby's mother, Elizabeth Johnson, is refusing to speak with investigators, who say the longer the child is missing the less likely he is to be found alive.