
Carly Fiorina Caught on Tape

It's another embarrassing political gaffe. Carly Fiorina, who just won the Republican nomination to run for a California Senate seat, was caught mocking the hairstyle of rival Barbara Boxer on an open mic. INSIDE EDITION has details.

It's the open-mic crack now raising a storm of political controversy!

Carly Fiorina, fresh from winning the Republican nomination for California's U.S. Senate seat, was caught on camera mocking the hairdo of her Democratic rival, U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer.  

"[A friend] saw Barbara Boxer briefly on television this morning and said what everyone says, 'God, what is that hair?' So yesterday!" Fiorina remarked.

The ladies of The View discussed the snafu.   "A camera in front of her yet she said it!" Elisabeth Hasselbeck said.  "So many people have done that, you know, and it's like sometimes you forget, this little thing sitting on you, that people can hear you."  Sherri Shepherd said. 

Fiorina, the former CEO of computer giant Hewlett-Packard, made the remark as she was preparing for a live interview with Sacramento's KXTV.

She defended the jab with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren.  "I was quoting a friend of mine. My goodness, my hair's been talked about by a million people, you know? It sort of goes with the territory."

It's not the first open-mic incident by a politician.   

Remember President Obama's comment after singer Kanye West notoriously hijacked the 2009 VMA's?  Obama was caught saying, "He's a jackass."

And footage of John Edwards combing his hair before a TV interview became a YouTube sensation when it was set to the song, "I Feel Pretty."

The 2004 documentary Fahrenheit 911 replayed a string of unguarded moments during the Bush administration before live TV interviews.

Now add "hair-gate" to the list!