
Polar Vortex Creates Ice Caves In America's Heartland

Wisconsin is looking more like Antarctica these days after Lake Superior froze over and created magnificent ice caves. INSIDE EDITION has the story.

Wisconsin looks like Antarctica and Lake Superior has become a frozen wasteland. The ice there is 15 inches thick, but just to play it safe Park Ranger Neil Howk carries a bag with rope and picks in case someone falls through.

Howk told INSIDE EDITION, “We never consider the ice to be safe. We assess if it is a high risk or low risk to go into.”

After a two-hour trek in minus six degree temperatures, INSIDE EDITION producer Lara Yunaska reached the natural wonder—the caves of Lake Superior.

She said, “Wow, this is amazing! Huge icicles everywhere!”

See More Of These Beautiful Ice Caves

The Polar Vortex has changed everything there. Waterfalls are frozen in time into spectacular ice formations. Massive icicles are everywhere dangling from overhead and on the walls.

Climbing up a ridge, the cave narrows. The ice caves all have unique characteristics because they vary in size. Some are so low the only way in is on hands and knees.

Yunaska said, “If you can imagine what it feels like to crawl on broken glass, that is what it feels like right now.”

And you're never sure what breathtaking sight there is to discover at the other end of the cave. It is an incredible sight in this frozen world right here in America.

Meanwhile, much of the nation continues to battle brutal winter conditions.

A dramatic rescue in New York was caught on tape when a TV reporter helped pull a man to safety who just fell on the snowy train tracks. The guy who fell came through just fine.

The latest wacky internet conspiracy theory is the bizarre claim that the ice and snow are not a product of nature. In a video, someone took snow and melted it with a blow torch and said, “Where is the water? This is not snow, this is crazy.”

In another video, a guy compressed a ball of snow and turned on his lighter. It burned black and smelled like burning plastic. The guy in the video said, “The snow has got a plastic smell to it and it is not melting. We have something huge going on here!"

Relax people, no conspiracy here. INSIDE EDITION spoke to science writer Phil Plait, who said, "It is melting, but instead of dripping away, it is being absorbed into the snow itself. There is a little bit of slush right there because the water is now inside the snowball."