
'Biggest Loser' Contestant Controversy Escalates

Rachel Frederickson's dramatic weight loss on The Biggest Loser has raised eyebrows with some saying she is too thin, while others are coming to her defense. INSIDE EDITION has the details. 

Former contestants on The Biggest Loser are joining the chorus of concern for rail-thin winner Rachel Frederickson.

INSIDE EDITION Skyped with Nicole Michalik from season four who lost more than 100 pounds on the show. Rachel lost 155 pounds, dropping from 260 to just 105 pounds, 59.62% of her body weight, which is the most in Loser history.

Michalik said, "I was definitely shocked. She was really thin. In 15 seasons, we have never seen that before. It looked so drastic."

Meantime, the show's most popular trainer, Jillian Michaels, who looked so shell-shocked by Rachel’s appearance, is distancing herself from the controversy. Speaking on behalf of fellow trainer Bob Harper, she said, "We're not comfortable commenting on Rachel’s journey because [we] weren't her trainers and weren't given an opportunity to work with her at any point."

The trainer who did work with Rachel, Dolvett Quince, defended her, saying, "Please try not to look at one slice of Rachel’s journey and come to broad conclusions. Rachel's health is and always has been my main concern and her journey to good health has not yet ended."

Rachel says she lost all that weight, she limited her diet to 1,600 calories a day and worked out a ton. Those 1,600 calories is the equivalent to a bowl of oatmeal with almonds and a bagel with cream cheese. 

A photo of Rachel from her heavier days has surfaced when she was running a gelato ice cream business. Rachel says her life began to revolve around sweets and fattening foods while she was recovering from a broken heart.