
Brian Williams Makes Amends With Arsenio Hall

Arsenio Hall took Brian Williams to task after a recent NBC Nightly News story excluded the syndicated talk show host among the fray of late night programs. INSIDE EDITION has the story.

Anchorman Brian Williams is making amends with late night host Arsenio Hall. The apology comes just one day after Arsenio took him to task for leaving him out of a graphic used in a report about Jimmy Fallon's debut as new host of The Tonight Show.

Williams said on NBC Nightly News, “The time slot will now be fought over by two Jimmy's and a Dave. Along with all the other media out there slugging it out for the turf Johnny Carson used to own outright.”

Arsenio said on his show, “If you're doing a story about late night, all I ask is that you mention me. The next time you do The Brady Bunch montage of late night, let me be in the middle where Alice used to be.”  

Arsenio then proceeded to give out the phone number to the news desk at NBC Nightly News, saying, “Call Brian and ask why they don't mention me.”

NBC received so many calls the switchboard became overwhelmed. It all led to the apology from Brian Williams on Wednesday night, saying, “In our story this week about Jimmy Fallon joining the fray among other late night shows out there, we showed this graphic which is incomplete. Among others, it excluded Arsenio Hall's syndicated talk show. Arsenio is a late night veteran, and he took us to task on his own show. It won't happen again.”

The apology seems to be enough for Arsenio. He had this response on Wednesday night, “Thanks, Brian, I appreciate it.”