
Gabourey Sidibe's Mom Wows Judges on "America's Got Talent"

Alice Tan Ridley, the mother of "Precious" star Gabourey Sidibe, brought down the house on "America's Got Talent" with her vocal performance. INSIDE EDITION reports on the 58-year-old's dream for her own stardom.

She brought the house down on America's Got Talent last night.

This woman with the powerful pipes may look familiar. She's the mother of the breakout star of Precious, Gabourey Sidibe. Her name is Alice Tan Ridley.

The judges asked Ridley, "Where do you sing?"

"The last 20 years in the subway," replied Ridley.

That's right! Last winter INSIDE EDITION caught up with the 58-year-old singer as she trudged through a blizzard, on her way to perform at a subway station in Manhattan.

From the subway to the big stage, Gabby's mom is hoping she's one step closer to realizing her dream of stardom, just like her daughter.

Judge Sharon Osbourne, "It's my honor to say you're going to Vegas!"