
Family of Man Murdered By Stiletto Speaks Out

Ana Trujillo was found guilty of murdering 59-year-old university professor, Stefan Andersson and now his heartbroken family is speaking out for the first time to INSIDE EDITION.

"She is evil. She is evil at her core. She is an evil human being, " says Jackie Swift. She's talking about Ana Trujillo, who stabbed her boyfriend to death with a stiletto heel.

A jury in Houston found Trujillo guilty of murdering 59-year-old university professor, Stefan Andersson and now his heartbroken family is speaking out for the first time.

INSIDE EDITION sat down with Swift, Andersson's ex-wife, who is still close to his family. She said, "She needs to be put away for a long time."

Watch Swift Open Up About Andersson's Murder

Swift is still haunted by the victim's last moments, being stabbed 25 times with a five-and-a-half inch stiletto heel.

"What was he thinking?" Swift continued, "What was he feeling? You just want to be there and help. You want to be there."

The defense claimed Andersson attacked Trujillo in a drunken jealous rage in his luxury high rise and that she was defending herself with the only weapon she could reach, her stilettos.

Defense attorney Jack Carroll told the courtroom, "It doesn't matter if she hit him once, twice, three times, five times, ten times, 15 times, 25 times. It doesn't matter if that's what it took to get him to let loose.

But Andersson's family say he was never violent.

Hannah Dermes, "I've never seen him show any signs jealousy ever.  I don't think he knew what that felt like."

Swift said, "It wasn't in his character. It wasn't in the core of who he was."

The $1,500 blue suede stiletto, stained with blood, stood like a mute witness in the courtroom during the trial and prosecutors twice demonstrated how Trujillo rained blows as her victim lay fighting for his life. Swift said "I think that was powerful. I think it sends a powerful visual message."

As she left court after the guilty verdict, Ana Trujillo mouthed, 'I love you guys' and 'thank you' to relatives. She faces life behind bars.

Swift said, "Unfortunately this case does not qualify for the death penalty and that's a shame because that's what I would give her. The death penalty."