
Ice Cube Upset After Losing MTV Movie Award

Ice Cube is speaking out after he and Ride Along co-star lost the Best On-Screen Duo category at the MTV Movie Awards to Vin Diesel and the late Paul Walker. INSIDE EDITION explains.

Ice Cube is cold as ice and is steaming mad after he was shut out at the MTV Movie Awards.

"We was robbed," Ice Cube told USA Today. "Shame on you MTV."

The angry words came after the actor and rap artist was nominated for Best On-Screen Duo with Kevin Hart for their comedy, Ride Along. Instead, the award went to Vin Diesel and the late Paul Walker from the Fast and Furious series. Ice Cube called it a "sympathy" vote.

Vin Diesel teared up during his videotaped acceptance speech, saying, “I wish he could be here to see this. But I know he's here in spirit. Thank you for honoring me and more importantly, thank you for honoring that angel, my brother, Paul Walker.”

As soon as that video played to the capacity crowd at Los Angeles’ Nokia Theater, Ice Cube stormed out and went home with his wife to watch the Lakers game.

He told USA Today, "We had the best chemistry of everybody nominated. For us not to win was crazy. We were the best onscreen duo, period."

Reaction online has been edgy. One person wrote, "Could he be any more rude?"  

Another person called him a "Sore loser."