
New York Yankees Pitcher Caught Using Pine Tar During Game

Yankees pitcher Michael Pineda was caught with pine tar in plain view on his neck and was tossed from the field. INSIDE EDITION explains.

What a sticky situation! New York Yankee star pitcher Michael Pineda got tossed from a game in Boston for having pine tar in plain view on his neck. It was a giant smear of the stuff, for all the world to see.

The TV announcer even said, "You've got to be smarter than that!"

On Live! with Kelly and Michael, Kelly Ripa said, "Even I know about the pine tar on his neck! It's fascinating to me. There's got to be better places to hide it!"

Just two weeks ago, Pineda appeared to have pine tar on his hand while playing the same team, the arch rival Boston Red Sox.

WFAN radio host Joe Benigno told INSIDE EDITION, "How stupid can you be? I mean, you already got away with it one time. How stupid can you be to have this stuff in such an obvious spot as where you did?"

Batters use pine tar it to get a better grip on their bats, but pitchers aren't allowed to go near the stuff because it gives them an unfair advantage.  INSIDE EDITION’s Paul Boyd put a little bit on his pitching hand, and sure enough, it gave him a great grip on the ball. The problem is, pine tar can also put a big spin on the ball and that's a no-no.

After the game, Pineda owned up to what he'd done, telling reporters, "Yeah, it was pine tar."