Swift and furious outrage exploded after video of young man kicking a cat in a Brooklyn street was posted online. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
It was a sickening moment when a 21-year-old man offered a stray kitten a tasty morsel, then, kicked the kitten so hard it landed 20 feet away while his friends cheered.
But the cat-kicking creep isn’t laughing now.
Andre Robinson of Brooklyn, New York, was charged with animal cruelty after the disturbing video was posted on Facebook and triggered widespread outrage.
Watch Robinson's Mother Defender Her Son
The front page of the New York Daily News called him a 'Sick S.O.B.”
The shocking incident happened outside an apartment building in the Bed-Stuy section of Brooklyn. An animal lover who saw the video on Facebook used video enhancing software to help police identify the kicker.
Watch How Social Media Led To Cat Kicker's Arrest
The kitten’s name is King and INSIDE EDITION found him not far from the scene of the attack. He was very scared and hid from police and animal rescue experts under a van until he was caught and taken to a pound. No wonder he was scared after that stomach turning act of animal cruelty.
After the cat passes a medical exam, authorities plan on finding him a safe home.