
'Duck Dynasty' Star Opens Up About Daughter's Condition

INSIDE EDITION spoke to Duck Dynasty's Jase Robertson and his wife about their new book, Good Call, detailing their daughter’s medical struggle.

Jase Robertson is one of the sons on the popular A&E reality show Duck Dynasty. Now, he is opening up about his family's decade-long medical drama involving his daughter in his new book, Good Call. It began when his pregnant wife Missy went in for an ultra-sound.

Missy told INSIDE EDITION, “The technician, who was a friend of mine, looked at me and said ‘Let me get the doctor.’ Those are words you don't want to hear.”

See More of INSIDE EDITION's Interview with the Robertson's

Missy and Jase found out their daughter would be born with a cleft lip and palate.

"It is very devastating at first," said Missy.

When Mia was born, the severity of her case became clear. Mia's top lip and palate, that's the roof of the mouth, were not fully developed.

Jase said, "It's not about how she looks. It's about her speech, breathing and eating."

She had her first surgery as an infant. There have been five so far and many more to come until she stops growing.

Jase said, "This one is going to be rough. They have to break her jaw and move her top jaw forward. People are like, 'She just had the surgery. It went great.' The bad news is as soon as she is well, she starts the process for the next one."

Mia is quite the accomplished piano player at just 10 years old, and her dad says Mia copes with the ongoing medical drama better than anyone in the family.

Jase said, "She is like, 'I got some problems. I am working on them. This is what I have to do.'"

Jase says he can't believe he ever even worried about how his daughter would look, saying, “I feel selfish at that moment for questioning what she would look like or why is this happening. This is my kid, I just want her to live.”  

To read an excerpt from the book, click on the "Download PDF" icon.