
Eight-Year-Old Daughter Helps Mom Deliver Baby

When her mom went into labor at home, eight-year-old Jazmine McEnaney called 911 and helped mom deliver the baby. INSIDE EDITION has the miraculous story.

An eight-year-old girl made a crisis call to 911. Her mom was about to deliver.

See the Interview With Mom and Daughter!

Jazmine McEnaney: "My mom's pregnant. And her water just broke."

Mom, Krystle: "Oh, my God! I'm in so much pain right now."

Jazmine: "She's in so much pain."

The little angel on the phone, Jazmine became a lifeline for her mom who went into labor in the bathroom of their home in Tampa.

911 operator: "What's your name, sweetie?"

Jazmine: "Jazmine."

911 operator: "Is your mom pushing or straining yet?"

Jazmine: "Um, mommy are you pushing or straining?"

Mom: "Yes."

Jazmine: "Yes."

Jazmine relays a crucial message from the operator, saying, "Mommy, when you get undressed, see if you see any part of the baby."

Mom: "I can't move."

Jazmine: "She can't move."

Then, the inevitable. The mom told INSIDE EDITION, "I realized he's not waiting. He's coming now."

Mom: "Oh, my God! I feel like something's coming out."

911 operator: "It's coming out?"

Mom: "Yes, it looks like it's coming out. Yes. Oh my god oh my god oh my god! I see the head. The head's coming out."

"The head came out first, and it stopped," said Jazmine.

Mom: "Come here. Hold the baby's head, please. Hold the baby's head, please, Jazmine. Oh, my god, she's freaking out, she's only eight years old."

But even mom has to smile at what came next.

Mom: "Is the whole head out, Jazmine?"

Jazmine: "It's a baby. I can see its ears."

Mom: "It is a baby, she said, she sees ears."

Today, Jazmine is with her baby brother, Joseph, weighing in at five pounds ten ounces. He and mom Krystle Garcia are dong fine today.

911 operator Emily Hall stopped by to congratulate the famiily. Mom says she never doubted Jazmine for a second.

"I knew, even under the pressure, I knew I could rely on her," said Krystle.