
Original 'Planet of the Apes' Actress Excited For New Movie

As the new Planet of the Apes movie opens in theaters this weekend, INSIDE EDITION tracked down the beautiful actress from the classic film.

As Dawn of the Planet of the Apes hits theaters, INSIDE EDITION got to thinking, what ever happened to that hot actress who starred opposite Charlton Heston in the original 1968 Planet of the Apes?

INSIDE EDITION spoke to actress Linda Harrison about her role in the movie.

INSIDE EDITION's Jim Moret asked Harrison, "You broke a lot of hearts with this movie, you know that?"

"I'm finding that out each day," said Harrison.

Watch Harrison's Interview with INSIDE EDITION

Harrison is now 68 years old. She looked back with fondness on her iconic role as Nova.

"Heston was my idol ever since Ben Hur," said Harrison. "I thought, 'Here I am. I'm in Hollywood. I'm co-starring with my idol. I mean how fortunate can you get?"

Harrison also appeared in the 1970 sequel Beneath the Planet of the Apes. In both movies she only uttered a single word - the name of Charlton Heston's character, Taylor.

Harrison's career really didn't go anywhere after Nova. She went on to marry movie mogul Richard Zanuck and raised two sons.

"I'm mom," said Harrison. "You know, I'm not Nova. I'm mom."

Harrison said one reason that made the original Planet of the Apes movie a hit was that stunning final scene.

"It hit the nerve of what was going on in the sixties," said Harrison. "You know, the fear of the atomic bomb."

So will Harrison be seeing Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, which is getting rave reviews?

"You must be excited to see it," said Moret.

"Oh I am," said Harrison. "And very proud."