
New Book Claims Bill Clinton Keeps a Mistress

It’s the new book that claims Bill Clinton keeps a mistress who visits him when Hillary is away. Is it true? INSIDE EDITION looks into the book.

A new book is making the bombshell allegation that Bill Clinton has a "buxom blonde mistress."

Whoopi Goldberg stated on The View, "It claims that Bill Clinton has a mistress that visits the house so often that when Hillary is out of town they see her and they have nicknamed her 'The Energizer.'"

The claims are made in The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents.

It's written by Ronald Kessler, a respected author with impressive Secret Service contacts. It hits bookstores next month.

The New York Post obtained an advance copy, and now the story is being picked up everywhere.

The book claims Hillary Clinton's Secret Service detail radios ahead when the former Secretary of State is on her way back to the Clinton house in Chappaqua, New York, to prevent embarrassing scenes.

It also quotes a Secret Service agent who recalled meeting the alleged mistress.

"It was a warm day and she was wearing a low-cut tank top and as she leaned over her breasts were very exposed," recalled the Secret Service agent.

Kessler declined to comment before the book's release date. But Daniel Halper, author of a book critical of the Clintons called Clinton Inc., says he's not surprised about Bill's alleged philandering.

"In the 2008 campaign for instance, aides had to advise Bill Clinton not to bring his mistress on the campaign trail with him," said Halper.

Halper believes Bill's behavior could threaten Hillary's chances of reaching the White House in 2016.

INSIDE EDITION asked Halper, "What is Bill Clinton really like?"

"Bill Clinton's behavior today is reckless. It's sheer recklessness. As one aide told me, he believed the president is a political genius, just a mastermind. But he has a flaw, and that flaw is his love for women," replied Halper.