
What To Do If Your Basement Floods

After parts of the country were inundated with heavy rain, people were left with flooded basements. INSIDE EDITION shows you how to deal with the mess.

The record-setting rainfall has turned parts of the U.S. into a virtual water world.

YouTube is filled with videos of people taking on the rising waters in their own homes.

One basement in Detroit was a complete wreck. In another, water is pouring out of the walls.

Like so many others, Maeghan and Michael Lollo are struggling with the devastating flood in their basement.  The couple from West Babylon, New York had to cut their family vacation short to deal with the mess. 

Maeghan said, "I really didn't know what to expect coming here. Certainly not this."

Precious wood furniture that once belonged to Maeghan's grandmother is now a total loss. Baby photos of her twins are now water-logged and soaked.

Even their five-year-old son, Jack, suffered loss as his toys were left damaged in the flooded basement.

The couple reached out to clean-up company, SERVPRO restoration. COO Robert Citrangola, surveyed the damage. He measured 16 inches of water.

Now comes the cleanup and Citrangola says there are important safety steps to consider.

First, before stepping in standing water make sure you turn off the electricity.

Citrangola said, "The first thing you want to do is make sure the power in the affected area is off. If the power or circuit breaker is in the basement, then you want to call a professional in and have him assess it.

Next, pump out the water. The process will take at least five hours.

Citrangola used a sunk pump, saying "We're going to drop it in the water. It's going to get most of the water out. It's going to start pumping out."

He also says be prepared to let go of cherished possessions.

As he examined some of the items he said, "Unfortunately the contents are pretty much a wash here, based on the amount of water and how long it has been sitting.  You’re not going to be able to dry out this couch because it's cushion, it's going to hold moisture, it's going to potentially develop a mold issue. 

Mold is preventable, but homeowners must act fast.

Citrangola said, "Mold typically takes 48 to 72 hours to start growing, what they don't have on their side is the weather that we're in.  It’s very hot and humid out, so it's going to kind of spark it a little bit sooner."

All tips you can use to dry out your water logged home safely.