
Former NFL Cheerleaders Reunite

Former NFL cheerleaders gathered for a special reunion and one of those in attendance has a very special connection to INSIDE EDITION.

It was just like old times for past and present NFL cheerleaders.

They came from all over the country with their pom poms to celebrate at the National Football Cheerleaders Alumni reunion. And you won't believe what some of them are up to now.

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Paula Avery told INSIDE EDITION her tale, “I was a Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader from 1989 through 1992, now and I’m a microbiologist.”

Aubrey Oquino said, “I was an Oakland Raidorette from 2000 to 2002, and now I’m a TV host.”

Joetta Talford recalled, “I cheered in 1996 for the very first squad of the Carolina Panthers, and I worked for the CIA.” That’s right, she worked for the CIA.

One thing is for sure, these ladies definitely aren’t living up to those age old cheerleading stereotypes.

The former cheerleaders are now out there as scientists, doctors, teachers, and lawyers.   

And even INSIDE EDITION’s very own investigative reporter Lisa Guerrero was a professional NFL cheerleader for the L.A. Rams in the mid-80's.

Guerrero spoke at the reunion, “Before I held a microphone on Inside Edition, I’m proud to say that I held pom poms on the sidelines for the NFL.”

The reunion brought Guerrero back together with the very same Atlanta Falcon Cheerleading squad she directed back in the late 80's.

One of Guerrero’s former cheerleaders told her, “You were tough but you were fair and a lot of the things that you instilled in us, such as the fear I have applied to my three boys.”

Clearly these ladies have all moved on from their days cheering on the sidelines. But one thing is for sure, they’ve still got it.