
George Zimmerman Questioned in Alleged Road Rage Incident

Police found a licensed gun on George Zimmerman when they pulled him over in connection with an alleged road rage incident. INSIDE EDITION reports on the latest.

A police officer found a handgun on George Zimmerman the one-time neigbhborhood watchman acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin.

Police in the Orlando area pulled him over after another driver called 911 to report a road rage incident.

He claimed Zimmerman and another man threatened to shoot him. 

911 Caller: "I looked over and it's George Zimmerman and they were threatening to kick my (blank) and shoot me."

An officer who pulled Zimmerman said to him, "You had some disagreement with them or something like that."

Zimmerman has been involved in other run-ins with the police since his acquittal.

Dashcam video shows that Zimmerman not only wasn't charged or arrested, but police actually gave him back his licensed handgun and shook hands with him.